Sunday, January 16, 2011

do so much with so little time!

Hi all,

I hope my last post was helpful?

I would love to hear from you.

Here are some more tips;

Prioritize your list according to importance. The easiest way to do this is to
categorize each item into three major sections:

A) Crucial and Urgent
 B) Important but Not As Urgent
C) Neither Important nor Urgent.

The A’s are the most important and therefore should take top priority-- always.
B’s are next in line and C’s are seldom worth spending your time on.

Determine which your most critical task is by listening to your own inner voice.
Seldom will it lead you astray.

 Delete any task from your to-do list that simply isn’t important. Ask yourself,
“What’s the worst thing that could happen if I dropped this entirely from the
list?” If you can tolerate the answer painlessly, drop it at once.

Stop and think about what you’re planning to do. How could it be done more
effectively? Take a few minutes to outline, schedule and rationalize your
plans. A simple outline can save you hours of indecision.

Set goals. Write them down and keep them in front of you. Know what you’re
striving for. Record your goals in your day planner and refer to them often.

Set a realistic time-line for the accomplishment of each goal.

Spend 10 minutes at the end of the day preparing for tomorrow. Generate
your to-do list and prioritize it, one day in advance. This will save you
precious time in the morning. You can dive right into your work without having
to make lists and choices. Using this strategy gives you a head start on the
day and ensures that you’re working on the most important task always.


Stay inspired!

Be inspired!

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